As part of this year's MachinExpo, Ricky and Kate asked me to produce the day's events for Sunday. In order to produce gems of wisdom, meaning and substantial content, I thought to bring together those who have a deep understanding of the filmmaking we do on all levels of craft, commitment and community.
In orchestrating the "one on one" conversations our Legends participated in I realized that we, the audience, would really benefit from the insights generated when they spoke on their topics. We got a lot of eye-opening dialogue and really good in depth "juicy bits."
Many thanks to those who were part of this amazing day, no matter what part of the screen you are in, there is something for you in The Legend Sessions...
Inside the Mind of MovieStorm
Kate Lee, Sherwin Liu (Chatnoir Studios) and Matt Kelland
Every picture tells a story
Ingrid Moon and Frank Dellario
Educating Machinima
Michael Nitsche and Anna Akbari
What makes Great film - Great?
Tom Jantol and Russell Boyd