Creators are gonne create.
Don't you love YouTube? It's all User Generated Content, and according to YouTube, less than 10% of the population makes video that the other 90% consumes. The AI revolution in video, will most likely change that in some ways. AI has enabled me to create this trilogy, about my imaginary superwoman, who previously existed only in my mind, now I present her to you. Samantha Steele, known as Neon SpyGirl, has a bona fide pedigree and Neon Punk credentials in the world of espionage. Saving the world is her day job. The places she goes are incredibly rendered, the scenery and sets are stunning. The beauty of the work keeps me going. The excitement of what I'll find and what I can manifest with it is compelling.
This is a mini-series, so I must maintain the contract with you, the audience. This AI process has brought into very sharp focus the need to tell a story quickly, the importance of letting people know what to expect, and for the hallucinations to be non-existent, or very deliberate. It is a different way of making films. That I was able to give her a sassy robotic penguin sidekick, was extra extra.
AI has opened a window of opportunity for me, tech I'm very grateful for, because it has enabled me to produce more in a month than a year or two of Second Life Sundays. For a person who thinks in narrative, this is a bonanza.
Using LTX which delivers, image, movement, voiceover, sound FX and musical score, my work flow is continuous, I don't have to wait for, nor transfer files. I don't have to deal with other people either....a blessing and a curse in some ways.
I do rely on feedback, input helps me see this through other eyes.
As does yours, the viewers. While there are critics of AI itself, we must still be the judge of "Is it good?" "Is it good enough?"
Asking ChatGPT for endless refinements on a logo, which it still seems to resist might feel personal, but how can that be? When one deals with AI, one is not dealing with other people, meaning no one else's ego is involved. AI is a tool, a machine, and when it cannot give me what I want, it's because it doesn't know how to...yet, or I am not talking to it as I need to.
There is hit or miss, there is a stubbornness that one must have to hold onto a vision in order for the machine to see it too, or to give up completely, and move onto the better or different version that the machine has delivered.
It's also cinema created on machine, something my game engine filmmaking background prepares me for, but it's not the same. Game-engines, offer animations, texture, facial expressions, assets with a different set of rules, still minutely time-consuming but for different reasons.
Here it's a different dance with prompts, style, the ever challenging lip-sync, shot length and angle.
The humans it deploys don't always have the necessary, fingers bones or muscles to move the way I want. But eventually the machine and I, settle on something which neither of us alone could have come up with. That's really interesting, and fun. I am not afraid of the machine, it inspires me. Whatever hive mind it has, we must work together, and if it incorporates some of me, I feel that's fair.
Hope you enjoy the show!
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