Weekly QA with the Doyenne of the Metaverse.....Pooky Amsterdam
While there may be debate over which blockchain coin is the best, especially as recent news has seen the crypto market crash and seen TERRA fall without its LUNA, for those who want coin in their new realm without paying for it in harder currency, there is caution and opportunity to be had. This is about getting paid for the one non renewable resource you have, your time. Another question on the "creator economy" within the metaverse will follow in weeks to come.
Q: I logged into a new place and one of the avatars was offering FREE COINS, other avatars nearby were talking about what a great deal that was. I would like to try some of the purchasable offerings of this new world, but don't want to give my credit card deets yet, what do you think about FREE COINS?
While this sounds very tempting, would you ever approach anyone with a table at the mall who was shouting free money? Of course not. When you get those emails in your inbox saying, My Dear I would like to give you $3,000,000 do you hit delete? Of course you do. You do it because you know it's a scam, like someone saying, "If you type your password out it looks like ******." It is easy enough to lose money buying cryptocurrency on a bad day, you don't need to compound this by giving any details which will lead you to being keylogged, or get a virus by clicking the link to get Free Coins.
However some worlds do offer a way to gain coins through a variety of activities: watching ads, or being advertisers. You could get a "job" roaming throughout your particular metaverse and tout out loud, the name of some location which is a must visit, according to the branding you are encouraged to wear for this. Or you could do some mind-numbing in-game activity. In Second Life there still is a way to earn coins or product by sitting at a location, some pay around 4 cents a minute because the owner of said chair wanted their location to look as if it was busy. The owners of these places pay avatars to plonk their virtual butts down, so traffic numbers for these locations increase and look busy. Avatars generally want to go where others are, and this helped avoid the wasteland effect. These kind of activities are for real, just be prepared for your income accumulation to be slow, but you might meet a couple of new friends who will commiserate with you over the tedium.
Being a concierge or helping people onto the new platform will also become a way to earn money as you play the game, spending enough time in one place to sell your services as a live "how to" manual for new people, especially for an event. When there are large scale events in a metaverse and new users, it is critical to make them feel "at home" by being able to navigate in the very least. Decentraland is hiring virtual hosts for its casinos and events.
Another way of making coin will be in staffing, virtual stores may have AI to save money but if the sales force is human based, the ability to engage a customer and make a sale could grow exponentially with an avatar backed by a human being. Once upon a time businesses in the metaverse put up stores and fabulous builds, but not having anyone there to help the potential customers. That is like putting up a store in China and not having anyone on staff who speaks Chinese. Business must know the language of the platform, and who better than a dedicated user to explain, showcase or sell the virtual product. When I was hosting my weekly game show events in Second Life, I always had hosts with specific roles and they made a huge impact on retaining and growing my audience.
On the other hand maybe you do want to Play To Earn. which Metaverse you choose then could depend on whether you want to earn coins or NFTs. You can even Learn To Earn - for example learning protocols for indexing and querying blockchain data to earn tokens is possible. Here are 9 games in active spaces with investment and more for you.
You can find your bliss in a virtual world, or metaverse, feeling an actual lift in your mood through the activities you do. Being able to make coin while you are being paid for your time, is a true bonus round, as we play to our strengths even more easily than we work towards them. As I write this Dean Takahashi of Venturebeat has just released this article on the virtual world according to Mckinsey & Co.
Your avatar is wanted, needed and valuable!
If you have a question about the Metaverse you would like answered, please send an email to info@Pookymedia.com with Metaquette in the subject line!
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