Machinima and real–time animation took a huge step with the inclusion in the awards circle for film competition in the animation category. For this genre to be recognized as valid it has to stand head to head and shoulder to shoulder with more traditional forms of animation. As the ability to use story, character development and plot grows along side mastery of the genre, we are confident that we will see this great and breathtaking new medium continue to win awards as a graphic platform of its own, WITHIN animation categories.
Los Angeles Movie Awards extract:
1st Place Winner
“Escape Of The Gingerbread Man!!!”
Dir. by Tod Polson
Awards of Excellence
“Great American Pigeon Race”
Dir. by Diane Namm
“Time Travelers”
Dir. by Russell Boyd, Pooky Amsterdam & James Canton
Dir. by Bianca Esteve Stephant
This is great news for machinima, for Second Life artists and filmmakers and for PookyMedia. We are so proud to be part of the efforts which we share with the entire machinima community to lift the genre in the eyes of the public and main – stream movie audiences! On to the future indeed!
thats brilliant Pooky. congratulations
Congratulations Pooky!
Congratulations Pooky, this is wonderful news.
Congratulations on this amazing award. You really earned it. I've seen this machinima several times and enjoy everytime.
Pooky, van harte prificiat!
Outstanding! What a great win for you and the production team.
Awesome!!! I am really happy with the news! U deserve :) hugs
I really Think that this film from Pook & Russel, is a definitive Machinima of the platform Second Life, and puts SL's best foot forward in their own marketing campaign to social, as well as mainstream media.
OUTSTANDING, Kudos to you both :)
Great achievement!
One more step for machinima towards hollywood ^^
Congratulations, Pooky!
The award was inevitable... Your team focused on details of plot, character, message, setting, and so on, right down to the curling of the lips. (Had to comment on that one. It was great!)
This is the transition as Machinima evolves from merely a marketing tool and toy to an art form!
You're now officially "the Award Winning Pooky Amsterday" - great news! Finally, some recognition for what you're doing with this genre!
Congrats Pooky! Very cool.
woot, pretty remarkable, Awards lady :D it's a cinema award. So happy to see your great work get recognition.
Congratulations on this amazing award. You really earned it.
Congratulations Pooky! You really earned it. I've seen this machinima several times and enjoy everytime.
Congrats on the great reward. You really earned this.
Thank you very much! This works perfectly for my site.
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